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Epoka muzyczna: barok
Obszar (język): holenderski
Instrumenty: klawesyn, organy
Rodzaj: suita
Epoka muzyczna: barok
Obszar (język): holenderski
Instrumenty: klawesyn, organy
Rodzaj: suita
Oevering: Complete Works
Aeolus - AE 10144
Popma van Oevering (1692-1782)
Popma van Oevering (1692-1782)
Suite V, G minor
Suite IV, C major
Suite III, G minor
Suite I, G minor
Suite II, G major
Suite VI, A major
Het Sneker klok spel
Suite IV, C major
Suite III, G minor
Suite I, G minor
Suite II, G major
Suite VI, A major
Het Sneker klok spel
The VI Suittes voor’ t Clavier, Opera Prima by the 17-year-old Dutch composer Reijnold Popma van Oevering, c. 1710 Amsterdam, were the first to carry forward the innovative harpsichord suite concept of the French composer Francois Dieupart, whose “English” Suites (1701) begin with a substantial prelude or overture, a model that was to become widely imitated a few years later in northern Europe. Popma van Oevering’s Opera Prima, with a certain Italian and north German flavour while at the same time bearing witness to an individual style, was to become widely disseminated in Europe, as appears from the mark it left on composers including Bach, Handel and even Mozart.
His six harpsichord suites are presented here for the first time as a complete CD recording, made partly on the monumental Christiaan Müller organ in Leeuwarden, built in 1727 upon the initiative of the composer.
Harpsichord after Goermans/Taskin, Grote of Jacobijnerkerk, Leeuwarden 1727
His six harpsichord suites are presented here for the first time as a complete CD recording, made partly on the monumental Christiaan Müller organ in Leeuwarden, built in 1727 upon the initiative of the composer.
Harpsichord after Goermans/Taskin, Grote of Jacobijnerkerk, Leeuwarden 1727