Nasze kategorie wyszukiwania
Epoka muzyczna: 20 wiek do 1960
Obszar (język): szwajcarski
Instrumenty: wiolonczela, fortepian
Rodzaj: suita, serenada
Epoka muzyczna: 20 wiek do 1960
Obszar (język): szwajcarski
Instrumenty: wiolonczela, fortepian
Rodzaj: suita, serenada
Dalcroze: Works for Violoncello & Piano
Tyx Art - TXA 22167
Jaques Dalcroze (1865-1950)
Jaques Dalcroze (1865-1950)
Pi-Chin Chien, cello
Bernhard Parz, piano
Pi-Chin Chien, cello
Bernhard Parz, piano
Utwory na płycie:
Trois Morceaux, Op. 48 - Lied romantique
Trois Morceaux, Op. 48 - Sérénade
Trois Morceaux, Op. 48 - Bagatelle
Rythmes délaissés - Nr. I Chantant et bien rythmé
Rythmes délaissés - Nr. II Commodément
Rythmes délaissés - Nr. III Allegretto comodo
Rythmes délaissés - Nr. IV Gaîment animé
Suite, Op. 9 - Nr. I Allegro ma non troppo
Suite, Op. 9 - Nr. II Andantino espressivo
Suite, Op. 9 - Nr. III Allegretto con moto
Suite, Op. 9 - Nr. IV Vivace
Trois Esquisses - Nr. I Allegretto vivace
Trois Esquisses - Nr. II Andante cantabile
Trois Esquisses - Nr. III Allegretto scherzando
Trois Morceaux, Op. 48
Rythmes délaissés pour violoncelle et piano
Suite, Op. 9
Trois Esquisses pour violoncelle et piano
Rythmes délaissés pour violoncelle et piano
Suite, Op. 9
Trois Esquisses pour violoncelle et piano
Of the most prolific and world-famous composers from Switzerland, none fell into oblivion faster after his death than Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. With the late Romantic Joseph Joachim Raff, born in Lachen (Canton Schwyz), he shares the multitude of compositions in various genres, with his friend Arthur Honegger the multitude of publishers in France, England and Switzerland. Born as a contemporary of Jean Sibelius five years after Mahler and Hugo Wolf and ten years before Ravel, who influenced him less than the German Romantics, Jaques-Dalcroze developed a distinct personal style at the turn of the 20th century.
Recording: 06/2021 – SRF Radio Studio Zürich/Switzerland. Piano: Bösendorfer 280VC, Concert Grand.
Recording: 06/2021 – SRF Radio Studio Zürich/Switzerland. Piano: Bösendorfer 280VC, Concert Grand.