Lassus: Aurora lucis rutilat Timor et tremo Magnificat super Praeter rerum seriem Magnificat VII Toni super Aurora lucis rutilat
Josquin: Praeter rerum seriem Huc me sydereo O virgo prudentissima a 6
Brumel: Gloria & Sanctus from Mass Et ecce terraemotus
This new recording from The Sixteen explores the amazing sacred music which emanated from Flanders in the 15th and 16th centuries. This extraordinary music spans 100 years of innovation and brilliance.
Featuring arguably the three most celebrated composers from the Franco-flemish school of the Renaissance, this programme is centred around movements from the staggering 12-part Missa Et ecce terraemotus by Brumel. Josquin, Brumel and Lassus were truly European composers, leaving their origins to work in the top establishments of Aix-en-Provence, Ferrara, Rome and Munich. Their music has a unique sonority which will astound listeners - from the depth of expression and fascinating texts of Josquin (prepare yourselves for the surreal nature of Praeter rerum seriem) to the overtly decorative mass movements of Brumel’s Missa Et ecce terraemotus where the 12 parts interweave in extensive imitation and thrilling tracery, culminating in the extraordinary harmonic stillness of Lassus’s Timor et tremor and his gorgeously evocative 12-part setting of Aurora lucis rutilat
“The approach of Harry Christophers is distinctive and revelatory…” BBC Music Magazine
“This virtuoso group can hardly improve on a superb opening performance...their interweaving of plainchant and polyphony soared to the holiest heights of this ancient building.” The Observer