Wydawnictwo: Christophorus
Nr katalogowy: CHR 77347
Nośnik: 1 CD
Data wydania: kwiecień 2011
EAN: 4010072773470
Nr katalogowy: CHR 77347
Nośnik: 1 CD
Data wydania: kwiecień 2011
EAN: 4010072773470
Pilgrimage to Santiago Vocal Music for St James (11th – 21st century)
Christophorus - CHR 77347
Anonymus; Albertus Parisiensis (c 1146-1177); Jacobus Gallus (1550-1591); Ludovico Grossi da Viadana (1564-1627); Cristóbal de Morales (1512-1553); Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599); Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611); Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566); Hans Schanderl (*1960); Thomas Beimel (*1967)
Anonymus; Albertus Parisiensis (c 1146-1177); Jacobus Gallus (1550-1591); Ludovico Grossi da Viadana (1564-1627); Cristóbal de Morales (1512-1553); Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599); Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611); Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566); Hans Schanderl (*1960); Thomas Beimel (*1967)
Schola Bamberg / Werner Pees
Schola Bamberg / Werner Pees
Gregorian Chant:
Introitus »Mihi autem nimis honorati sunt«
Hymnus »Psallat chorus calestium«
Antiphon »Ad sepulchrum beati Jacobi«
Hymnus »Te nostra latis laudibus«
So ell enzina, Wer das ellendt bauen will
Albertus Parisiensis (c 1146-1177):
Congaudeant catholici
Jacobus Gallus (1550-1591):
Misit Herodes
Ludovico Grossi da Viadana (1564-1627):
Psalm 112
Cristóbal de Morales (1512-1553):
Apostole Christi Iacobe
Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599):
Ibant Apostoli
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611):
O lux et decus Hispaniae
Ave maris stella
Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566):
De la Virgen
Hans Schanderl (*1960):
Lang ist die Zeit
Thomas Beimel (*1967):
pilgerlieder vier Miniaturen (Wer das elent bawen wel I-IV)
Introitus »Mihi autem nimis honorati sunt«
Hymnus »Psallat chorus calestium«
Antiphon »Ad sepulchrum beati Jacobi«
Hymnus »Te nostra latis laudibus«
So ell enzina, Wer das ellendt bauen will
Albertus Parisiensis (c 1146-1177):
Congaudeant catholici
Jacobus Gallus (1550-1591):
Misit Herodes
Ludovico Grossi da Viadana (1564-1627):
Psalm 112
Cristóbal de Morales (1512-1553):
Apostole Christi Iacobe
Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599):
Ibant Apostoli
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611):
O lux et decus Hispaniae
Ave maris stella
Antonio de Cabezon (1510-1566):
De la Virgen
Hans Schanderl (*1960):
Lang ist die Zeit
Thomas Beimel (*1967):
pilgerlieder vier Miniaturen (Wer das elent bawen wel I-IV)
The vocal works on this recording would hardly have been sung by the pilgrims en route, but instead in the large cathedrals situated along the Camino to Santiago de Compostela. For this reason, this repertoire is more an expression of sophisticated choral culture and less a reflection of the needs of individual pilgrims and is more at home within a liturgical setting rather than in the pilgrims’ hostels. The high quality of the music shows the standing of St James for the believers in Europe over the last 1000 years.
The Schola Bamberg was founded in 2002 for the performance of special projects at the Bamberg Cathedral which is one of the most famous Romanic Cathedrals in Germany. The choir comprises of singers who pursue careers both as soloists in their own right and as members of renowned European vocal ensembles, such as the Collegium vocale Gent or Singer Pur. It is directed by Domkapellmeister Werner Pees who himself pilgrimaged on the route to Santiago several times.
The Schola Bamberg was founded in 2002 for the performance of special projects at the Bamberg Cathedral which is one of the most famous Romanic Cathedrals in Germany. The choir comprises of singers who pursue careers both as soloists in their own right and as members of renowned European vocal ensembles, such as the Collegium vocale Gent or Singer Pur. It is directed by Domkapellmeister Werner Pees who himself pilgrimaged on the route to Santiago several times.