Fran himmelen kom ängeln Gabriel (Gabriel's Message) Var hälsad sköna morgonstund (All Hail to Thee, O Blessed Morn) In dulci jubilo Tiggarvisa fran Malung (Begging Song from Malung) Polska av Viktor Gabrielsson (Polska by Viktor Gabrielsson) Nu sjunga Guds änglar (God’s Angels Now Sing) En gangar till kaffet (A Gangar with Your Coffee) Det lyser en stjärna (A Star Shines Bright) Nu tändas tusen juleljus (A Thousand Candles are Now Lit) Christines polska (A Polska for Christine) Staffansvisa/Musette (Staffan Ballad/Musette) Staffan Halling II En stjärna gick pa himlen fram (A Star Passed Across the Sky) Den signade dag (The Blessed Day) Allt vid den ljusa stjärnan (Upon the Bright Star) Julottan (Christmas Morning) Fran himlens höjd (From Heaven Above)
Arrangements by Gunnar Idenstam
Well into the previous century Sweden was largely a peasant society with folk music an integral part of daily life. There were work songs, narrative ballads and, obviously, music for dancing. Over the centuries a not always easy coexistence between religion and folk culture developed, with hymns being adapted to a folk-music aesthetic while popular traditions were given a Christian veneer. An example of the latter is the rich store of ‘Staffanballads’, springing from a pre-Christian horse cult but given a new slant as its focus shifted to St. Stephen –the first Christian martyr.
Gunnar Idenstam and S:t Jacobs Chamber Choir have performed their Folkjul concerts more or less every year since 2002. The concept stem from a rich interplay between ‘folk culture’ and ‘high culture’ and in Idenstam’s arrangements a newly composed halling or polska entwines itself round the old Christmas melodies. The first Folkjul album was released in 2007 – this time the choir and Idenstam are joined by violinist Sandra Marteleur and Ulrika Bodén, one of Sweden’s most well-established folk singers. Recorded in June 2017 at Eric Ericsonhallen, Stockholm. On this disc Gunnar Idenstam plays his own digital Allen organ, Quantum Q 350. Sample setups used are the ones of Cavaillé-Coll and Schnitger. The tunings are Young 2 and Equal.