Trinity Roll MS (15th century) - There is no Rose Selden MS (15th century) - Nowell - Out of your sleep Byttering (d. 1420) - Nesciens mater Philippe Verdelot (fl. 1485–1530) - Gabriel Archangelus Richard Pygott (1485–1549) - Quid petis, o fili Jacob Clemens ‘non Papa’(1500–56) - Magi veniunt ab oriente Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548–1611) - O magnum mysterium Peter Warlock (1894–1930) - Bethlehem Down Richard Rodney Bennett (1936–2012) - Five Carols John Scott (b. 1956) - There is no Rose Michael McGlynn (b. 1964) - O pia virgo Andrew Smith (b. 1970) - Veni Emmanuel Nowell - Arise and wake Alexander Craig (b. 1971) - Sleep Now Geoffrey Williams (b. 1976) - Adam lay ybounden and arrangements of Hereford (S. S. Wesley) and O Little Town of Bethlehem (L. H. Redner), and of Gabriel’s Message, Quem pastores laudavere and Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle (trad.)
Nowell, Nowel, Noel – on their new release, Sing thee Nowell, New York Polyphony sing of and to the birth of Christ. They do so in a typically sophisticated programme which fuses the ancient with the modern into a seamless whole: seven centuries of Christmas passes before the listener, with new works composed for these performers by Michael McGlynn, Andrew Smith and John Scott alongside traditional medieval and Renaissance carols and motets by Clemens ‘non Papa’, Philippe Verdelot and Tomás Luis de Victoria. The wide-ranging sequence is anchored by Richard Rodney Bennett’s Five Carols, in which the sopranos Sarah Brailey and Elizabeth Baber Weaver join the four members of New York Polyphony in celebrating ‘the joyful birth’ and in praising ‘Mary mild’. The wondrous events related to the Nativity and the joy they bring to mankind naturally dominate, but intimations of Christ’s death on the cross also surface in the course of the disc, as in Peter Warlock’s Bethlehem Down: ‘they will clothe him in grave-sheets, myrrh for embalming, and wood for a crown.’ Formed in 2006, New York Polyphony has rapidly emerged as one of the leading vocal chamber ensembles, applying a distinctly modern touch to repertoire that ranges from austere medieval melodies to cutting-edge contemporary compositions. Two previous recordings for BIS have received critical acclaim, including a Grammy nomination for the 2013 release Times go by Turns, interleaving masses by Byrd and Tallis with works from the 21st century.’
Czterech wokalistów tworzących zespół New York Polyphony wraz z dwiema sopranistkami (gościnnie z zespołem): Sarah Brailey i Elizabeth Baber prezentują muzycznie nastrój Bożego Narodzenia w sposób nietypowy. Tradycyjne średniowieczne i renesansowe kolędy oraz motety przeznaczone na ten okres roku liturgicznego takich kompozytorów jak Clemens non Papa, Philippe Verdelot czy Tomás Luis de Victoria przeplecione zostały nowymi utworami skomponowanymi specjalnie dla zespołu na tę okazję. Bożonarodzeniowa polifonia średniowiecza i renesansu wciela się w nowe szaty. Przeszłość współgra z teraźniejszością. A wszystko na chwałę Nowonarodzonego w profesjonalnym wykonaniu, interesująco różnorodnym pod każdym względem. Alina Mądry - Audio Video