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Epoka muzyczna: 20 wiek do 1960
Obszar (język): angielski (USA)
Rodzaj: symfonia, suita
Epoka muzyczna: 20 wiek do 1960
Obszar (język): angielski (USA)
Rodzaj: symfonia, suita
Price: Symphony 3, Mississippi River Suite, The Oak
Alto - ALC 1461
Florence Price (1887-1953)
Florence Price (1887-1953)
The Women's Philharmonic Orchestra / Apo Hsu
The Women's Philharmonic Orchestra / Apo Hsu
The Oak
Mississippi River Suite
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor
Mississippi River Suite
Symphony No. 3 in C Minor
“this first important black female composer has become celebrated recently as we discover her works. This includes her best Symphony and major Suite” (Alto)… *“history bears down on the opening of the Third Symphony … big moments where Price clearly feels the burden of the African American experience but allows it to fuel her soul. It’s easy to forget that she’s a contemporary of George Gershwin. In fact, (he) attended the premiere of Price’s Symphony No.1. So how do we tell this story, recognising on the one hand … she’s been neglected in this historiography, but … also she’s very much a part of the American symphonic scene?” (*Gramophone)
Recording: 2001.
Recording: 2001.