Soriano: Missa Nos autem gloriari oportet: Kyrie 02:20 Gloria 03:42 Credo 06:57 Sanctus 01:50 Benedictus 02:00 Agnus Dei 02:10
Aichinger: Assumpta est Maria 00:57 Alleluia Assumpta est Maria 02:00 Beata viscera 01:04 Confirma hoc Deus 01:12 Factus est repente 01:16 Ave Regina Coelorum 01:51 Regina Coeli 01:51
Missa de Beata Virgine: Kyrie 02:12 Gloria (incl. Tropus) 03:40 Credo 05:44 Sanctus 01:25 Benedictus 00:48 Agnus Dei 01:45
Haller: Oculi omnium, Laudes Eucharisticae, op. 16, Nr. 1 01:45 Sacerdotes Domini, op. 16, Nr. 2 01:28 O sacrum convivium, op. 16, Nr. 13 01:53 Ego sum panis vivus, op. 16, Nr. 14 01:21 Coenantibus, op. 16, Nr. 16 03:38 Surrexit pastor bonus, Motettum in Resurrectione Domini, op. 2, Nr. 3 02:18 Credo, Missa undecima in honorem Sancti Henrici Imperatoris Confessoris (“Heinrichsmesse”), op. 24 05:09
Appendix: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594): Credo Missa sine nomine 05:50
In the 19th century, the Old Chapel in Regensburg (Ratisbon) was an important center for the rediscovery of “early (a cappella) music” and particularly of the style of Palestrina. This CD documents the renewal of this tradition during the tenure of Prof. Josef Kohlhäufl as musical director of the collegiate church (1984-2011). Included are a number of first recordings, among them the Missa Nos autem gloriari by Francesco Suriano (1549-1621), the Missa de Beata Virgine and motets by Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628), as well as motets by Michael Haller (1840-1915), who is also known as the “19th century Palestrina”. Recording: Dreifaltigkeitsbergkirche Regensburg/Germany Tracks 01-19: 2000 / Tracks 20-27: 1998 / Peter Mühlbauer