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Epoka muzyczna: współczesna
Obszar (język): angielski
Instrumenty: , fortepian
Rodzaj: pieśń
Epoka muzyczna: współczesna
Obszar (język): angielski
Instrumenty: , fortepian
Rodzaj: pieśń
Barber: Melodies Passagere
Quartz - QTZ 2079
Samuel Barber (1910-1981)
Samuel Barber (1910-1981)
Gweneth-Ann Jeffers, soprano
Stephen De Pledge, piano
Gweneth-Ann Jeffers, soprano
Stephen De Pledge, piano
Mélodies passageres (5), Op. 27
Nuvoletta, Op. 25
Three Songs, Op. 10
Four Songs, Op. 13
Despite and Still, Op. 41
Hermit Songs, Op. 29
Nuvoletta, Op. 25
Three Songs, Op. 10
Four Songs, Op. 13
Despite and Still, Op. 41
Hermit Songs, Op. 29
Samuel Barber’s parents had hoped he would follow his father into the medical profession, but his burgeoning musical ability soon took over. Barber himself had a fine baritone voice, studying singing as well as composition and piano. Throughout his career, Barber’s instinct for vocal shaping would influence his output, with half of his published compositions being vocal. Among the best of today’s young British singers, Gweneth-Ann Jeffers is noted for commanding voice and vivid personality. New Zealand pianist Stephen De Pledge is one of the most exciting and versatile musicians of his generation. His solo performances have taken him throughout the UK, including five solo recitals in the Wigmore Hall.