W. Lutoslawski (1913-1994): Five Dance Preludes A. Berg (1885-1935): Vier Stücke, Op. 5 Claude Debussy (1862-1918): Premiere Rhapsodie I. Yun (1917-1995): Riul J. Brahms (1833-1897): Sonata F minor, Op. 120 No. 1 C. Debussy: Petite Piece
Who's afraid of the 20th century? asked Ingo Metzmacher a few years ago. Anyone who at that time whispered: "I am..." now has another chance to overcome this feeling. Such is the sensual, colorful and dancing quality of the music recorded by German Music Council award winners Duo Riul (Sebastian Manz, clarinet and Martin Klett, piano) on their new GENUIN CD. From Lutosławski's spiritual dances to Debussy's richly hued impressions, from Alban Berg's Augenblicke (Passing Moments) from a lost time to two works of a later time which, however, are probably the first works of the early modern era: Brahms's wonderfully autumnal first clarinet sonata. data wydania: 18-02-2011