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Epoka muzyczna: średniowiecze
Obszar (język): angielski
Rodzaj: hymn, pieśń
Epoka muzyczna: średniowiecze
Obszar (język): angielski
Rodzaj: hymn, pieśń
Beneath the northern star - The rise of English polyphony 1270-1430
Hyperion - CDA 68132
John Dunstable, Leonel Power, J Excetre, Gervays, Robert Chribury, Byttering, Thomas Damett, Johannes Alanus
John Dunstable, Leonel Power, J Excetre, Gervays, Robert Chribury, Byttering, Thomas Damett, Johannes Alanus
The Orlando Consort:
Matthew Venner, countertenor
Mark Dobell, tenor
Agnus Smith, tenor
Donald Greig, baritone
The Orlando Consort:
Matthew Venner, countertenor
Mark Dobell, tenor
Agnus Smith, tenor
Donald Greig, baritone
Utwory na płycie:
Anon: Alleluia. Christo Iubilemus
Anon: Stella Maris Nuncuparis
Anon: Spiritus & Alme / Gaude Virgo Salutata
Anon: Ave Mundi Rosa
Anon: Kyrie Cuthberte Prece
Alanus: Sub Arturo Plebs / Fons Citharizancium / In Omnem Terram
Damett: Salvatoris Mater / O Georgi Deo Care / Benedictus Mariae Filius
Byttering: En Katerine Solennia / Virginalis Concio / Sponsus Amat Sponsam
Chirbury: Agnus Dei
Gervays: Gloria
Excetre: Credo
Power: Credo
Power: Gloria A 3
Dunstaple: Dies Dignus / Demon Dolens / Iste Confessor
Dunstaple: Gloria
Anon: Credo (Old Hall Manuscript 74)
Anon: Credo (Old Hall Manuscript 90)
Alleluia. Christo iubilemus
Stella maris nuncuparis
Spiritus et alme
Ave mundi rosa
Kyrie Cuthberte prece
Sub Arturo plebs
Salvatoris mater pia
En Katerine solennia
Agnus Dei
Dies dignus
Stella maris nuncuparis
Spiritus et alme
Ave mundi rosa
Kyrie Cuthberte prece
Sub Arturo plebs
Salvatoris mater pia
En Katerine solennia
Agnus Dei
Dies dignus
This new album from The Orlando Consort charts the radical development of music between the late thirteenth and mid fifteenth centuries the transition from what is at essence embellished chant to the extraordinary mathematical intricacies of experimental polyphony.
Recorded in the Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Loughton, Essex, on 21-24 September
Recorded in the Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Loughton, Essex, on 21-24 September