Prophetia Sibyllarum: 1 Prologo Carmina chromatico quae audis modulata tenore 1:18 2 I Sibylla Persica Virgine matre satus, pando residebit asello 2:33 3 II Sibylla Libyca Ecce dies venient, quo aeternus tempore princeps 2:42 4 III Sibylla Delphica Non tarde veniet, tacita sed mente tenendum 2:15 5 IV Sibylla Cimmeria In teneris annis facie praesignis, honore 1:59 6 V Sibylla Samia Ecce dies nigras quae tollet laeta tenebras 1:48 7 VI Sibylla Cumana Iam mea certa manent, et vera, novissima verba 2:02 8 VII Sibylla Hellespontica Dum meditor quondam vidi decorare puellam 2:04 9 VIII Sibylla Phrygia Ipsa Deum vidi summum punire volentem 1:47 10 IX Sibylla Europaea Virginis aeternum veniet de corpore verbum 2:03 11 X Sibylla Tiburtina Verax ipse Deus dedit haec mihi munia fandi 2:02 12 XI Sibylla Erythraea Cerno Dei natum, qui se demisit ab alto 1:52 13 XII Sibylla Agrippa Cerno Dei natum, qui se demisit ab alto 2:33
Motets: 14 Psalm »Dixit Dominus« (a 8, 1570) 4:16 15 Motet »Angelus ad pastores ait« (a 5) 2:29 16 Motet »Quem vidistis, pastores?« (a 5) 2:27 17 Motet »Videntes stellam« (a 5) 3:29 18 Motet »Ave Maria« (a 5) 1:47 19 Magnificat super aurora lucis rutilat (a 10, 1619) 7:27
The "Sibyls" are women of ancient times with the gift of prophecy. Beginning in the Middle Ages, these figures and their myths were interpreted in a Christian light and placed on a level with the Old Testament prophets. They were a favourite motif in the visual arts during the Renaissance: the best known are Michelangelo's Sibyls in the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, which also adorn the cover of this CD. The twelve-part motet cycle "Prophetiae Sibyllarum" was composed during Orlando di Lasso's early period at the Munich court under Duke Albrecht V. The Duke commissioned his young, promising court Kapellmeister to write several extended cycles of works and prohibited their publication, thus making them the sole property of the Munich court. This "musica riservata" was performed for a select audience and is noted for its great compositional skill and sophisticated Latin texts – referring to Christmas events in this case. In an unconventional manner, Lasso often places remote harmonies next to each other in order to enhance the expression. It was only six years after Lasso's death that the "Prophetia Sibyllarum" was published for the first time. The Vocalconsort Berlin supplements this half-hour work with more motets of Lasso, also associated with Christmas celebration. Recorded at Christus-Kirche Oberschöneweide, Berlin (Germany), 29-31 May 2015