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The Guild of Mercenaries / Adrien Mabire
Striggio Alessandro / Tallis Thomas / Bingen Hildegard vonArmonico Consort / Christopher Monks; Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge / Geoffrey WebberSIGCD 560; Signum Classics; 1CD; kwiecień 2019
Panufnik Andrzej / Howells Herbert / Weir JudithThe Marian Consort / Rory McCleery
Buxtehude Dieterich / Fortsch Johann Philipp / Kerll Johann CasparMusae Jovis / Pieter De MoorSONA 1609; Sonamusica; 1CD; grudzień 2016
Bach Johann Sebastian / Bach Johann Christoph / Bach Johann LudwigLeipziger Cantorey; Members of Sächsisches Barockorchester / Gotthold Schwarz