Wydawnictwo: Delphian
Nr katalogowy: DCD 34094
Nośnik: 2 CD
Data wydania: luty 2011
EAN: 801918340949
Nr katalogowy: DCD 34094
Nośnik: 2 CD
Data wydania: luty 2011
EAN: 801918340949
Handel: Alexander's Feast
Delphian - DCD 34094
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Sophie Bevan, soprano
Ed Lyon, tenor
William Berger, bass
Ludus Baroque / Richard Neville-Towle
Sophie Bevan, soprano
Ed Lyon, tenor
William Berger, bass
Ludus Baroque / Richard Neville-Towle
Part One (disc 1):
1 Ouverture
2 Recitative (tenor) 'Twas at the royal feast
3 Air (soprano, tenor) and Chorus Happy, happy, happy pair!
4 Recitative (tenor) Timotheus, plac'd on high
5 Recitative (soprano) The song began from Jove
6 Chorus The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound
7 Air (soprano) With ravish'd ears the monarch hears
8 Recitative (tenor) The praise of Bacchus
9 Air (bass) and Chorus Bacchus, ever fair and young
10 Recitative (tenor) Sooth'd with the sound, the king grew vain
11 Recitative (soprano) He chose a mournful Muse
12 Air (soprano) He sung Darius, great and good
13 Recitative (soprano) With downcast looks the joyless victor sate
14 Chorus Behold Darius great and good
15 Recitative (tenor) The mighty master smil'd to see
16 Arioso (soprano) Softly sweet in Lydian measures
17 Air (tenor) War, he sung, is toil and trouble
18 Chorus The many rend the skies with loud applause
19 Air (soprano) The prince, unable to conceal his pain
Part Two (disc 2):
1 Recitative (tenor) and Chorus Now strike the golden Lyre again
2 Air (bass) Revenge, Timotheus cries
3 Recitative (tenor) Give the vengeance due
4 Air (tenor) The princes applaud with a furious joy
5 Air (soprano) and Chorus Thais led the way
6 Recitative (tenor) Thus, long ago
7 Grand Chorus At last divine Cecilia came
8 Recitative (tenor, bass) Let old Timotheus yield the prize
9 Chorus Let old Timotheus yield the prize
10 Chorus Your voices tune, and raise them high;
1 Ouverture
2 Recitative (tenor) 'Twas at the royal feast
3 Air (soprano, tenor) and Chorus Happy, happy, happy pair!
4 Recitative (tenor) Timotheus, plac'd on high
5 Recitative (soprano) The song began from Jove
6 Chorus The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound
7 Air (soprano) With ravish'd ears the monarch hears
8 Recitative (tenor) The praise of Bacchus
9 Air (bass) and Chorus Bacchus, ever fair and young
10 Recitative (tenor) Sooth'd with the sound, the king grew vain
11 Recitative (soprano) He chose a mournful Muse
12 Air (soprano) He sung Darius, great and good
13 Recitative (soprano) With downcast looks the joyless victor sate
14 Chorus Behold Darius great and good
15 Recitative (tenor) The mighty master smil'd to see
16 Arioso (soprano) Softly sweet in Lydian measures
17 Air (tenor) War, he sung, is toil and trouble
18 Chorus The many rend the skies with loud applause
19 Air (soprano) The prince, unable to conceal his pain
Part Two (disc 2):
1 Recitative (tenor) and Chorus Now strike the golden Lyre again
2 Air (bass) Revenge, Timotheus cries
3 Recitative (tenor) Give the vengeance due
4 Air (tenor) The princes applaud with a furious joy
5 Air (soprano) and Chorus Thais led the way
6 Recitative (tenor) Thus, long ago
7 Grand Chorus At last divine Cecilia came
8 Recitative (tenor, bass) Let old Timotheus yield the prize
9 Chorus Let old Timotheus yield the prize
10 Chorus Your voices tune, and raise them high;
Handel's musical illustration of Dryden's Alexander's Feast, first performed in 1736, was a critical and popular success. A day after the premiere, the London Daily Post reported 'Never was upon the like Occasion so numerous and splendid an Audience at any Theatre in London, there being at least 1300 Persons present'. Twice a year some of the UK's finest baroque players and young vocal soloists come together in Edinburgh's Canongate Kirk to give sell-out concerts of the great works of Bach and Handel. Ludus Baroque's appearances are unmissable events in Edinburgh's calendar. Now for the first time listeners from further afield can experience the vibrancy of their Festival-fuelled performances in this their debut recording. Alexander's Feast is the perfect showpiece for the vitality and abandon of Ludus Baroque and their rising-star soloists.